Taking the NSFW check is quick and easy to do via webcam. Follow the steps below.
- After you’ve purchased or redeemed your Premium or VIP membership, connect your webcam and close all external programs that also have access to the webcam. (e.g. Skype, Messenger etc.)
- Click on the 18+ check link.
- You'll then receive a code. Write it down clearly on a piece of paper.
- Start recording!
- Look into the webcam; your face should be visible for at least 5 seconds.
- Hold your ID Card, Passport, or a similar photo identification document, in front of the camera for at least 5 seconds. Your photo and date of birth must also be visible.
- Then, hold the piece of paper with the code written on it in front of the webcam.
- Stop recording.
- Click ‘Save’ to save the video.
Once your check has been received and verified by our admin team, you'll then receive a notification.