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What are the benefits of becoming a FETMod?

  • Free VIP membership
    All FETMods get a free VIP membership, which gives you the full and unrestricted access to the experience.
  • Flexible hours from anywhere
    FETMods help out by being active for at least 5 hours each week. You choose when you're online, however, the busiest times tend to be in the evenings and at weekends.
  • Full training and support
    To help you get the most out of being a FETMod, you'll receive online induction and training by a Community Manager. You'll also receive exclusive admin rights on related to the areas you’ll be working on (e.g. chat, forum, etc.)
  • Shape your BDSM community
    Being a FETMod gives you the chance to shape and to improve the community experience. You'll be included in all the latest community news, newest product updates and have special access to channels to provide feedback to our developers.  
  • Be part of a #kinktastic team
    Join a collective Skype group with other FETMods to communicate directly with Community Managers and support team.
  • The fun bit…
    All FETMods will receive free merchandise and get the chance to attend an expenses-paid annual social weekend at our stunning beachfront offices in Barcelona.
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