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Community guidelines wants to ensure a harmonious coexistence and ask you read and observe the rules carefully. Violations can result in consequences or in profile being banned. You can also refer to our General Terms & Conditions to ensure you are using the Service in accordance with the current regulations. In the following you can find a listing of prohibited contents as well as description of possible consequences in violation cases.

Prohibited content

Users are prohibited from directly or indirectly misusing the service of the owner for advertising purposes. This includes, in particular, the spreading of chargeable service, links to chargeable offers, sending mass messages (spam) or the attempt to entrap other members in premium SMS services. It is also explicitly forbidden to disseminate contact details such as e-mail addresses, telephone numbers or messenger data in order to respond to incoming contact requests with advertising for third-party offers.

Each basic member may have exactly one profile. If you work as an escort in several cities, you can use the city planner. For escorts with a plus membership, it is possible to create multiple profiles as long as a plus membership is acquired for each of these profiles and the profiles are not exactly identical.

Only real information is allowed on Wrong information and the use of so-called fake images are prohibited.

The listings are not exhaustive, and the categorisation is the responsibility of

Depending on the classification of the content, it is prohibited to post following content on

Illegal content:

  • depicting, promoting or advocating for illegal activity on any kind;
  • depicting children, defined as any individual under 18 years;
  • constituting any form of human trafficking, including sex trafficking;
  • involving animal cruelty, including bestiality;
  • involving death, snuff, torture, violence, or the exploitation of a corpse.

Non-consensual content:

  • depicting non-consensual acts, or the recording or distribution of intimate content without consent;
  • revealing private, sensitive and identifying information about an individual for the purpose of harassment, exposure, financial harm, or other exploitation of the individual;
  • depicting an individual´s likeness without their consent;

Inauthentic or unauthorized content:

  • misleading, misinformation or spam;
  • assumes another person´s identity;
  • violates intellectual property rights.

Harming content:

  • threatening, offending, harassing;
  • which is suitable for causing harm to individuals;
  • containing hate speech or inflammatory contents;
  • involving violent extremism or political provocations;
  • depicting violent-pornographic contents;
  • depicting, promoting, or glorifying self-harm or suicide;
  • depicting, promoting, supporting, or glorifying terrorism or extremist acts or actors.

Otherwise unacceptable content:

  • advertising or promoting unprotected sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal and oral intercourse without a condom);
  • promoting direct exchange and contact with sperm, feces, urine, blood and breast milk (anything that gets body fluids into the body, except kissing);
  • involving the use of illegal drug substances;
  • containing false date reviews;
  • misusing the events as an extra promotion for normal offers;


We are eager to ensure a safe and harmonious community by combining automated procedures and human support. Our support team can be easily reached through e-mail, website form or a call to our call centre. Besides our support team, certain users act as moderators in order to ensure compliance with our guidelines.

Users are able to report content they consider being illegal or otherwise violating our Community Guidelines. Those reports are forwarded directly to the support team and given priority treatment in order to be reviewed and resolved within a maximum of 7 business days. In cases where illegal content is found responsible legal team will be notified accordingly.

In addition an automated blacklist detection system is running the profiles, location, messages, blogs, events and flags written content. Those reports are reviewed by our support team and resolved accordingly.

Consequences in violation cases

In case of non-compliance with the agreement of non-misuse of the service, a contractual penalty of EUR 500 is hereby agreed for each individual case, to be paid by the user in the event of non-compliance. The uploading of racist, discriminatory, violent-pornographic, against the generally applicable law or other illegal content is not permitted.

All content violating these Community Guidelines will be deleted by us without comment. We as the owner reserve the right to block the user´s account without comment and to issue the user with a virtual house ban. The blocking or issuing of a virtual ban has no influence on the user´s payment obligation. If we become aware that user violate the clause prohibiting unprotected intercourse, the corresponding profiles will e removed from the search results as soon as we become aware of this.

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