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Hate Speech provides users with a community, where fun with sex and a safe dating experience stand in the forefront. We want to create a fair and efficient exchange between all members to make it possible for client and sex workers to be equal and find pleasurable and safe sex contacts through their profiles.

We understand the importance of an open space for expression and diversity which can only be achieved by nor permitting any kind of hate speech, threats or other violent acts that endanger an inclusive community. Hate speech refers to any communication, whether verbal, written or visual, that attacks or discriminates against a person or a group of people based on attributes such as

  • race
  • religion
  • ethnicity
  • nationality
  • gender or gender identity
  • sexual orientation
  • disability or diseases,

or other characteristics. It is often aimed towards demeaning, intimidating, or encouraging violence against the targeted individuals or certain groups. Hate speech is prohibited on, as we are promoting equality, respect and social harmony.


As stated in our Terms and Conditions no hate speech is tolerated on our platform. It is prohibited to upload, share, post or otherwise communicate content that supports, endorses, rationalizes, threatens, showcases or encourages any of the following:

  • violence, whether physical or sexual, directed against individuals due to protected characteristics, as well as violence against institutions or specific targets
  • symbols, slogans, emblems, signs, posters or other representation linked to groups, individuals, or organizations advocating for violence and/or hatred
  • speech expressing dehumanization, marginalization, segregation or exclusion of a person or a group, as well as the denial of persecution of a person or a group or minimization of such
  • stereotypical attitudes, expressions, slurs or epithets emphasizing existing clichés and prejudices towards persons or groups based on specific characteristics.

Our private messages allow users to communicate about any topic and exchange tastes and preferences regarding role plays or fetishes. Nonetheless, the interactions between users have to stay in the leal framework and not involve any written, audio or visual content which could be classified as illegal or otherwise violate our guidelines.


To provide a civilized and safe environment we rely on the use of automated tools, our support team and moderators. We ask our users to notify us in case you encounter any kind of hate speech or feel threatened, endangered or discriminated. Our automated detection of trigger words identifies violative and potentially illegal content, which helps us to quickly react and take measures accordingly. Our moderator team monitors actively the forums detecting hateful communication and comments violating our policies. Reports forwarded to our support team are reviewed with greatest care and forwarded to the legal department in relevant cases for further actions. We encourage you to alert our support team if you come across content, comments or users that may be harmful for our community.

Consequences in violating cases

Reported content that contradicts our policies will be removed after review and users liable for violations will be banned. We may also use tools in order to fingerprint relevant content or accounts to block potential future re-uploads and registrations. We also reserve the right to forward serious cases of hate speech to authorities and will assist the law enforcement by providing necessary information.

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